Version 0.3.0 - Weapon Update

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Weapon Refactor

In a pre-version 1 iteration that was never published, the weapons stats were mapped from the ME3 weapon stats. Then I did a lot of tinkering to add some variety to the weapons, but in doing so, I screwed everything up and made many weapons way to powerful.

This refactor attempts to bring the weapons back in line to their stats, as well as add any additional effect the weapon had in-game. For example, the M-37 Falcon is essentially a grenade launcher, but there was nothing in this system that mirrored that mechanic. Now it has:

Instead of making a ranged weapon attack, the target makes a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + DEX modifier). If you are
proficient with Assault Rifles, add your proficiency bonus to the DC. On a failed save, the target takes 1d8 thunder damage, or half as much on a successful one.

Damage was also scaled back, but not too much. Originally, the conversion was that all "automatic" weapons had a 5-6 Rate of Fire(RoF), but 5-6 damage die is A LOT. Shotguns also had a high RoF accounting for the amount of bullets in a single blase, which created ambiguity between fire rate and bullet count. Three-round burst weapons has 3, Semi-auto has 2, and there were a few single shot, like sniper rifles. This also created a very large spread on the damage tables.

In the refactor, there is a new weapon type: "Semi-automatic". By default these only have an RoF of 1, but you can use your bonus action to fire another shot. This makes the standard D&D 5e dual wielding mechanic more accessible, i.e., if you've got a semi-automatic weapon, you can make a second attack as a bonus action.

Three-round burst weapons have an RoF of 3, and automatic and RoF of 4, with a few minor exceptions for weapons that had ridiculously higher RoFs in the game like the Tempest SMG and a few Heavy Weapons.

The end result is more generalized weapons by type that have enough variety in range, heat, and mechanic to make your choice fun:

  • Assault Rifles: Vary more than any other weapon type but are generally automatic with lower heat and a medium range
  • Heavy Pistols: Semi-automatic, light, with high heat and medium range
  • Shotguns: Short range power houses with low heat but a variety of punch.
  • SMGs: Short range, high RoF, low damage.
  • Sniper rifles: Long range & high damage with limited RoF and Heat.

Rare weapons have an increased cost (20k credits). This should make them unattainable to low level players and gives them a monetary cost to their awesomeness. Obviously, GMs can adjust cost to their needs.

And finally, this version includes new melee weapons!

Melee weapon attributes work exactly like their D&D 5e counterparts (finesse, light, thrown, versatile, reach, etc). Most weapons have a special ability as well. However, to replace the "proficiency" aspect of melee weapons (since there are so few), there is a STR requirement. Anyone can wield a melee weapon, but if you don't have the required STR mod (matching or above) your melee attacks with the weapon are made at a disadvantage.

New Spells

A host of new spells and tech powers have been added. Primarily these were based on 5th edition, adding a bit more variety than simple damage dealing abilities, and adding more options for Vanguards and Sentinels.

Spell damage

With a few exceptions, damage for all damage dealing biotic spells have been adjusted to fit the following criteria:

  • Cantrips: < 10 avg damage
  • 1st Level: 10-15 avg damage
  • 2nd level: 15 - 22 avg damage
  • 3rd level: 20 - 28 avg damage
  • 4th level: 25-35 avg damage

This change was made to add a bit more scaling to the spells, as 4th level spells are effectively 6-7th level D&D spells.

Class changes

A few class changes, primarily in name. Vanguards received some tweaking. Cabals are a very specific Turian Vanguard, so it didn't make much sense for them to be a subclass. Thus, Cabals have become Nemesis vanguards, a caster-oriented flavor.

New Race

Unshackled AI, a slight variant from Geth. Are you a rogue AI or a corporate masterpiece? You can decide with this versatile new race.



New weapon type: Semi-automatic When you make a ranged attack with this weapon, you can use your bonus action to make a second ranged attack. You do not add your Dexterity modifier to the attack or damage roll. The second attack may be on the same or a different target.

Added melee weapons.


  • New Feat: Hair Trigger, gives you an advantage when using semi-automatic weapons.


Class Features

  • Removed the "Up close and personal" fighting style.
  • Added the "Carnage" fighting style, which specifically buffs shotgun use.


  • Renamed "Kamakaze drone" to "Disruptor drone", more in line with the game.
  • Renamed "Support" sublcass to "Medic", more in line with the game
  • Added some additional subclass features to the Demolisher. It was lacking in combat potential until later levels.


Cabal Cabal reworked and renamed to Nemesis.

  • Nightshade blades is now a combat power available to Vanguards, Infiltrators, and Soldiers
  • Poison Strike was removed and the mechanic added as an advancement option for Charge.
  • Metabiotics added, allowing you to spend barrier ticks to enhance your spells.
  • Vengeance added. Dying in battle may not be a bad idea...

Slayer Slayer renamed to Shock Trooper, to better reflect the game

  • Biotic Bull Rush was revamped slightly, giving the aspects of the Charger feat when using Charge.

  • Champion renamed to Battle Master to better reflect its D&D counterpart.


  • Removed 4th level spell slots from the progression table. Reflects that Sentinels are the least powerful of the biotic classes.
  • Battle Master renamed to Mastermind, to better reflect their mastery of tactical situations.
    • Battle Master feat renamed to Tactical Advantage
  • Paladin renamed to Guardian to better reflect the feature set (auras that guard allies).

Spells & Powers

  • Carnage renamed to "Beehive". Carnage is now a fighting style.
  • Neural Shock updated, now a creature hit by neural shock can take reactions until the start of its next turn.
  • Flare and Dominate changed to level 4 and Singularity changed to level 3 to better reflect the required biotic control.
  • Damage rescaled on most biotic spells.

New Spells & Powers


  • Snap Freeze
  • Salvo
  • Guidance
  • Poison Spray
  • Shocking Grasp
  • Target Painting
  • Unity
  • Counterspell


  • Biotic Wall
  • Storm
  • Backlash
  • Catapult
  • Alter Center Mass
  • Fly


  • Fortification
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