Version 0.4.0 - Armor Sets & Mods

Saturday, December 30, 2017


Overall, Swampson has helped me fix my wording can clarify a lot of rules that didn't make sense or were ambiguous. I'm deputizing him at the official "Copy Editor" of this project, whether he likes it or not.

Encumbrance & Carry Capacity

Bringing this rule in line with 5th Edition. Lifting and Carrying rules added. Includes a limit on number of weapons you may carry and armor matrix has minimum strength scores. In addition, an Encumbrance Variant rule is added that uses weapon & armor weight.

Armor Sets

A big addition in 0.4.0 is the pre-made Armor Sets. They're cheaper than creating custom armor, but lack the ability to be customized.

Armor Mod Overhaul

I've finally rounded out and standardized the the available armor mods. In addition, there are also detailed instructions for creating armor mods in the armor rules section. So feel free to create your own!

Feedback form

And finally, I've added a Google Form so anyone can provide feedback without having to make a Github account.

Starting equipment

Due to the addition to the armor sets, each race also has a starting weapon and armor. Each race has the option of rolling for credits to buy their own equipment. Every die count/die type combination averages to about 25,000 credits. But based on lifespan, you may get roll more or less die. The reasoning is that long-lived (asari, krogan) races have a higher chance to be average in their monetary gains . Whereas, short-lived races (salarians, vorcha) have a higher probability of either being in their peak or low of their monetary gains. Since it's just a starting roll, it shouldn't effect gameplay too much. It was a nice way to factor in that flavor. The only exceptions are Volus, who only start with money and Geth/Unshackled AI, who effectively don't need to purchase armor, so start with less.


  • "Semi-Automatic" renamed to "Double Tap"


Updates saving throws:

  • Adept: CON & CHA => WIS & CHA
  • Sentinel: WIS & CHA => CON & CHA
  • Vanguard: CON & STR => WIS & STR


  • Demolisher's Advanced Weapon Holsters reworded to account for new weight/encumbrance rules


Geth & Unshackled AI

Composite plating updated, now AC is 13 + DEX modifier.


Cybernetic Augmentation reworded to account for new weight/encumbrance rules


Added amphibious trait Photographic memory changed. Instead of advantage in multiple skills, gain expertise in one skill.


Removed the option to be an Engineer.


  • Biotic modifier is based on your Wisdom score.
  • Tech modifier is based on your Intelligence score.
  • Sentinels use both biotic and tech modifiers.


The major changes to be aware of is the increase to biotic spell damage. I goofed in my previous version and WAY undercut the power of the spells. Now the average spell damage should align to the following: Level,Single Target Dmg,AoE Dmg

  • Cantrip: 5.5, 3.5
  • 1st-lvl: 13.5, 10.5
  • 2nd-lvl: 30, 22.5
  • 3rd-lvl: 49.5, 33
  • 4th-lvl: 63, 43.5

The reason for the changes, is that a 4th level spell is effectively an 7th/8th level spell in 5th edition.

  • Annihilation Field
    • Damage increased 6d8 => 12d6
  • Catapult
    • Damage increased 3d8 => 3d10
  • Charge
    • Hits multiple targets
    • Poison Strike => Necrotic strike. No longer causes poisoned effect. Deal more damage in a line.
    • Tremor => Distance. Increases radius of impact
  • Dark Channel
    • Damage increased d6/d8 => d10/d12
    • Improved Duration => Cripple. As a reaction, reduce target's attack roll or saving throw
  • Dark Sphere
    • Damage increased 3d8 => 6d8
  • Flare
    • Damage increased d10 => d12
  • Lance
    • Damage increased 2dx => 3dx
  • Phase Disruptor
  • Damage increased 1d8/d12 => 3d4/d6
  • Reave
    • Damage decreased 2d12 => 2d10
  • Slam
  • Damage adjusted, 2d8/d12 + biotic modifier (instead of 1d8/d12 + 2 * biotic modifier)
  • Storm
    • Damage increased 8d6 => 8d10
  • Throw
    • Damage increased d4/d6 => d6/d8
  • Vortex
    • Damage increased 4d10/d12 => 12d4/d6
  • Warp
    • Damage increased d6 => d10
    • Poison => Keel Over. Chance to stun target.


  • Ballistic Blades
    • Damage decreased 6d6 => 2d12
    • Scaling damage added
  • Beehive
    • Damage decreased 2d10 => 2d6
    • Scaling damage added
  • Concussive Shot
    • Damage decreased d10 => d8
    • Blinding shot => Improved shot. Increases damage to d12
  • Havok Strike
    • Damage decreased 3d12 => 2d8
    • Scaling damage added
  • Hawk Missile Launcher
    • Damage decreased 3d10 => 3d6
    • Scaling damage added
    • 2 charges per long rest
  • Nightshade Blade
    • Secondary poison damage added
    • Scaling damage added
  • Siege Pulse
    • Damage reduced 2d10 => 2d4
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