v0.5.1 - Cerberus forces

Saturday, March 18, 2017

We're official (kind of...)

Tonight we launched our official site name: n7.world!

You can also find us at masseffect5e.net

We waffled between n7.world and masseffect5e.net, landed on the former for the following reasons:

  1. It's easy to remember
  2. 'N7' is a classic and recognizable Mass Effect reference, almost synonymous with the game itself
  3. 'World' elicits the idea of roleplaying and being a piece in a larger galaxy.

Truth be told, I hastily pushed this change out and even fixed a few links while I was actively running a weekly campaign (shame on me as a GM!). So if there are any issues you come across you can either use the feedback form OR! ping me on my fresh email: luke@n7.world

I've got more system updates coming out next weekend at the latest. As word spreads about this system, we continue to gain a group of active contributors who are generating a ton of great new ideas.

Thanks to everyone!


  • Shields regenerate after combat in addition to a short or long rest, or by taking the Hide or Dodge action and taking no damage.
  • Armor proficiency moved back to the class (not race). To compensate this change, the 5,000 credit cost for race customization has been removed.

Galaxy Master

Swampson came up with the term 'Galaxy Master' (tm tm tm) or GM. We're using that from now on.


Medi-gel should have always been a healing potion instead of the weird mechanics using hit die. Again, the hit die mechanics were neat, but unnecessarily complex.

Skill changes

Finally, the skill changes were made to accomodate the upcoming Backgrounds and a large vehicle/space travel addition Swampson is working on.

  • Hacking renamed Electronics to encompass a wide variety of checks.
  • Nature renamed Science as a catch-all for scientific intelligence checks. In theory, most information needs can be found with a quick search on the exonet. This check involves making connections between facts based on experience or intellect.
  • Piloting renamed Vehicle Handling and base ability changed to Dex. This covers your ability to maneuver vehicles. The GM can also ask for a Wisdom (Vehicle Handling) check when attempting to drive unfamiliar or alien vehicles.

Re-aligning with 5e

Re-aligning Mass Effect 5th Edition (ME5e) with 5th Edition (5e), where possible, is an on-going process. The first few versions of ME5e were based on cool ideas and not thoroughly play tested. As ME5e evolves, we want to be sure it has a balance and doesn't drift too far from the source. In some cases, the drift is necessary, a plethora of weapons and a nod towards science over arcane. In other cases, the drift is intentional to add depth and variety: the expanded armor rules. But in a lot of cases, the drift makes playing ME5e more complicated than intended. We want to fall back on existing 5e rules and only make changes where the core rules don't have the necessary structures to support this setting. A few examples follow.

Omni-tool attacks

In v0.5.0, we removed omni-tool attacks. This is a case where I'd simply pulled the idea straight out of ME3, in which each class has its own attack. Though I've received feedback that it was a fun idea, the effect was that each class's default melee action was set and not a choice the player can make. However, we still need to replace the ME idea of having an omni-tool attack. Nothing feels better than picking off a few marauders at range while a group of husks close in on you and, at the last second, spawning a blade and cutting those zombies to shreds.

I never intended to lose this feeling, but I hadn't created the structures to replace it. In v0.5.1, we're halfway there. We've introduced multiple types of Omni-weapons which have the potential to work like the previous omni-tool attacks. First, these weapons don't use a weapon slot (and have a weight 0 if using the Encumbrance rules). In addition, you can draw them with a free action. So features that grant additional attacks can now be used for these omni-weapons without having to stow or draw different weapons.

Currently there isn't a replacement for the biotic powers (Biotic Push and Punch). These should be available as cantrips in the next update. We're also working on providing Engineers with a cantrip-like starting power which can also replace their omni-tool power.

Armor Proficiency

Another superfluous change was tying armor proficiency to race. This somewhat came from ME1 where certain armor types were only available for certain races, but it didn't add enough to the game. Mechanically, all it did was force some races to take feats in order to play their class effectively. It also simply added a 5,000 credit price tag for most armor. No we're back in-line with 5e and all armor proficiency and starting equipment is on the class.


Almost all weapon weights have been reduced by 1-2. The exception is a few Heavy Weapons.


Omni-weapons replace void left by omni-tool attacks. They are light weapons that take no weapon slot and take a free action to draw. This gives players the option of having a back-up, at-the-ready melee attack.

  • Added Omni-Taser & Omni-Hammer added

Other weapon changes

  • Asari Huntress Sword & Asari Warsword combined into one weapon. Only allows casting of cantrip.
  • Cerberus Operator Blade renamed Monomolecular Blade
  • M-98 Widow deals double damage to targets not behind cover, replacing the complex and unrealistic 'line-damage' to creatures behind the target.


  • Melee Specialist:
    • with two-handed ranged weapon, can attack with an omni-weapon
    • with one-handed ranged weapon, can attack with light or versatile (w/ one hand) weapon
    • only melee, removed +1 AC (benefit available w/ Dual wielder feat)
  • Added Dual Wielder feat


  • Dual Wield fighting style renamed Gunslinger to avoid confusion with the Dual Wielder feat
  • Engineer's Styptic Medi-gel Enhancement increases the potency of the medi-gel.


  • Husk, Str increased to 13, AC increased to 14, CR decreased to 1/8
  • Abomination, Str increased to 13, HP increased to 26, CR increased to 1/4
  • Collector Captain, Summon Seaker Swarm summons 1d4 swarms at an unoccupied space it can see within 10m.
  • Harbinger, Added legendary actions, added melee attack, added Dark Channel to spell list

Cerberus Forces

12 unique monsters have been added to the Bestiary which encompass the list of Cerberus forces. It may seem like 3 weeks is a long time to only have finished 12 monsters, but I need to refactor the underlying weapon code. Originally, I was creating duplicate attacks for each weapon. I.e., there was an NPC weapon attack and the weapon itself. But this was creating a lot of inconsistent data and needed to be remedied.

Except for the delay, I am happy with the diversity among this group of NPCs. Adjutants add a bit of 'vampire'-flare to the system. Phantoms and Dragoons are a threat up close and hard to hit. Combat Engineers can be troublesome by spawning Turrets. Guardians are walking tanks that can take a serious amount of damage. All the while, a Nemesis might be taking pot-shots at you from 80m out.

Site Enhancements

  • Fixed bug that showed Shields 0 ( regen) when a monster had no shields.
  • Added Distance rule change back into general rules.
  • Fixed bug that caused side navigation menu to sometimes not show up.
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