Mass Effect 5e - Player's Handbook


Feats are part of the official Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook (PHB). Due to copyright reasons, I can only note any changed or new feats available in this system. Hence, if a feat doesn't have a description, you can look it up in your copy of the PHB with the page number provided.

The following feats from the PHB are not available: Crossbow Expert, Defensive Duelist, Dungeon Delver, Great Weapon Master, Healer, Inspiring Leader, Magic Initiate, Martial Adept, Mounted Combat, Polearm Master, Ritual Caster, Shield Master, Spell Sniper

  • New
    A Beautiful Mine
    You're an ace with explosives.
  • PHB
    +1 Charisma, skilled at mimicry and dramatics
  • PHB
    +5 to Initiative, can't be surprised, no advantage for hidden attackers
  • PHB
    +1 to Strength or Dexterity - you have undergone extensive physical training
  • New
    Big Game Hunter
    +1 Strength, additional damage to larger, organic creatures
  • PHB
    Biotic Slayer
    You have practiced techniques useful in melee combat against biotic wielders
  • PHB
    Make a melee attack or shove after the Dash action
  • PHB
    Dual Wielder
    +1 AC bonus, wield heavier weapons, draw or stow two weapons at once
  • PHB
    +1 Constitution, minimum Con modifier x2 on spent Hit Dice
  • PHB
    Elemental Adept
    Spells you cast ignore resistance to damage of the chosen type
  • New
    Enhanced Optics
    Increased vision. Proficiency in Perception, Investigation, and Insight
  • New
    +1 Dexterity, increased speed and you don't set off weight based traps
  • PHB
    Hold your own in close-quarters grappling
  • New
    Additional grenades. Can throw grenades for as an action for additional benefits.
  • PHB
    Heavily Armored
    +1 Strength, proficiency with heavy armor
  • New
    Hair Trigger
    +1 Dexterity, mastery of Double Tap weapons
  • PHB
    Heavy Armor Master
    +1 Strength, damage reduction from nonmagical weapons
  • PHB
    Keen Mind
    +1 Intelligence, track time, direction, and detail with uncanny precision
  • PHB
    Lightly Armored
    +1 Strength or Dexterity, proficiency with light armor
  • PHB
    +1 Intelligence, additional languages, create written ciphers
  • PHB
    You have inexplicable luck
  • PHB
    Medium Armor Master
    You have practiced moving in medium armor
  • New
    Melee Specialist
    +1 Strength or Dexterity, additional attacks with melee weapons
  • PHB
    You are exceptionally speedy and agile
  • PHB
    Moderately Armored
    +1 Strength or Dexterity, proficiency with medium armor and shields
  • PHB
    +1 Wisdom, quick to notice details of your environment
  • PHB
    +1 and proficiency with saving throws to a chosen ability score
  • PHB
    Savage Attacker
    Reroll damage dice for melee weapon attacks
  • PHB
    Take advantage of every drop in any enemy's guard
  • PHB
    Ranged weapons mastery - make shots that others find impossible
  • PHB
    Gain proficiency in 3 additional skills
  • PHB
    You are expert at slinking through shadows
  • New
    Squad Leader
    Heal and inspire allies to overcome negative conditions.
  • PHB
    Tavern Brawler
    +1 Strength or Constitution, improved improvised weapons
  • PHB
    Gain +2 hit points per character level
  • PHB
    War Caster
    You have practiced casting spells in the midst of combat
  • New
    Wealth of Knowledge
    +1 Intelligence, advantage on Intelligence based skill checks
  • PHB
    Weapon Master
    +1 Strength or Dexterity, 2 additional weapon proficiencies
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