Mass Effect 5e - Player's Handbook

Other Items

Medi-gel, Thermal Clips, Heavy Weapons, Grenades & Mines, Omni-gel, Tooks & Kits

Thermal Clips
It was discovered that, in an age of kinetic barriers, most firefights were won by the side who could put the most rounds downrange the fastest. As such, detachable heat sinks, known as thermal clips, were adopted first by the geth, and shortly thereafter by organic arms manufacturers. Ammunition may never be a concern with modern arms, but the availability of thermal clips is; weapons without thermal clips have nowhere to disperse their heat and are incapable of firing. Luckily, thermal clips litter modern battlefields, and can be obtained from fallen enemies or found around the environment. -- Mass Effect Wiki

Using Thermal Clips

When you reload your weapon, you expend a thermal clip.

Armor Capacity: 10

All armor comes standard with 10 thermal clip slots. Some armor and mods allow you to increase this amount.

Resupplying: ~100 credits

Thermal clips are easily looted from almost every enemy wielding a weapon. However, you can also resupply all of your thermal clips at a gun shop or military depot for about 100 credits.

Variant: No Thermal Clips

Because thermal clips are so easily attainable, GMs might find it more manageable to simply not keep track of thermal clips and assume players will always have a steady supply available to them.


Using Medi-gel

As an action, use a medi-gel pack on yourself or a willing creature within 2m. The target regains hit points equal to the medi-gel's potency.

Armor Capacity: 4

All armor comes standard with a capacity for 4 medi-gel. Some armor and mods allow you to increase this amount.


As long as you're in a relatively civilized environment, you can easily resupply your medi-gel at a medical facility. However, you would need insider or black-market connections to get Superior or Ultimate medi-gel. Since Ultimate medi-gel is so rare, the cost is entirely dependent on the people you know, favors your owed, or ability to break into a medical facility.

Medi-gel types

TypeRarityCostHP Regained
StandardCommon~200 credits2d4 + 2
EnhancedUncommon~500 credits4d4 + 4
SuperiorRare~1,500 credits8d4 + 8
UltimateVery Rare?10d4 + 20

Armor Capacity: 2

All armor comes standard with 2 grenade slots. Some armor and mods allow you to increase this amount.

Resupplying: ~500 credits / grenade

Grenades are a military resource, so, depending on your campaign setting they might be an uncommon or rare item. If your character is part of a military outfit, you can resupply every time you return to base (or to your ship). Otherwise, finding grenades may be a bit more difficult, requiring you to barter, steal, or loot them.

A recommended cost is 500-1000 credits per grenade or mine.

Heavy Weapon Charges

Capacity: (based on weapon)

See the weapon list for the number of charges a heavy weapon has.

Resupplying: ~5,000 credits

If you've got your hands on a heavy weapon, you're either a military specialist or damn lucky you survived the battle. It's not easy resupplying your charges. You'll need to have some serious military or black market connections. If military, you might get special permission to keep the weapon and granted a steady stream of charges (once per long rest). That's between you and your Galaxy Master.

Otherwise, you'll have to pay a pretty penny on the black-market to recharge your Heavy Weapon (5,000-7,000 credits for a complete resupply of charges). In most cases, it's easier to scavenge or steal ammo. Or simply leave the damn thing were you found it.


Omni-gel is a technological material that can be obtained by breaking down unwanted items, such as weapons, armor, and upgrades. Doing so will usually give an amount of omni-gel found in the table below. It is designed for use with omni-tools to do electronics and decryption work, make general repairs, and even craft new upgrades.

Omni-gel is composed of common, reusable industrial plastics, ceramics, and light alloys kept in a semi-molten state. Each "charge" of omni-gel is stored in a canister and is worth 1,000 credits.

ItemResulting Omni-gel
Armor and Weapon upgrades1 omni-gel
Heavy Pistols, SMGs, Head armor, Leg armor, Arm armor2 omni-gel
Assault Rifles, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, Chest Armor3 omni-gel
Heavy Weapon4 omni-gel
Tools & Kits

Tool Proficiencies

Mass Effect 5e utilizes the Tool Proficiency rules found in Xanathar's Guide to Everything (pg. 78). In summary, it's unclear when a player should use a tool proficiency and a skill proficiency. The rule of thumb is that tools have specific applications whereas skills are very broad, but this limits the use of tools.

Thus, to make tool proficiencies more attractive, Xanathar's Guide to Everything added benefits to combining tools with skills. The first is that combining a tool with a skill gives the player advantage when making the skill check. The second benefit is that tools provide additional non-combat features.

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