Mass Effect 5e - Player's Handbook


The protheans are an ancient alien race which mysteriously vanished over 50,000 years ago. Though there is evidence that some still survive in stasis pods.

Read more about Prothean biology, history, and culture

Available Classes




Racial Traits
Sexy Level

Protheans come from a society that was heavily regulated and favored the strong. They are generally lawful neutral.

+2 Wisdom, +1 Dexterity

You have proficiency in Perception. You have truesight up to 20m.

Your unique quad-strand DNA helps to protect you against radiation and cold. You have radiant and cold damage resistance.

While in physical contact with a creature or object, a Prothean can recall its experiences. If you touch an object or creature and concentrate on it for 1 minute, you learn a few basic facts about it. You gain a mental image from the object or creature's point of view, learning of any events that have occurred within 10 meters of the object or creature within the past 24 hours. If in contact with an object, you see the last creature to hold the object, regardless of how long ago it was last handled. This ability may only be used once per long rest.

In Prothean society, there were many "Avatars", Protheans who embodied a single virtue for the society. Example virtues include benevolence, cleanliness, courage, dignity, frugality, honor, justice, mercy, order, perseverance, temperance, tranquility, truthfulness, vengeance

Your accent, mannerisms, figures of speech, and perhaps even your appearance all mark you as more alien than most aliens. Curious glances are directed your way wherever you go, which can be a nuisance, but you also gain the friendly interest of scholars and others intrigued by far-off worlds, to say nothing of everyday beings who are eager to hear stories of your origin. You can parley this attention into access to people and places you might not otherwise have, for you and your companions. Politicians, scientists, and entrepreneurs, to name a few, might be interested in hearing about you and your people.

Instead of your class's starting equipment, you may start with 2d10 x 1000 + 10,000 credits to buy your own equipment.

image courtesy of JTickner

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