Mass Effect 5e - Player's Handbook


The quarians are a nomadic species of humanoid aliens known for their skills with technology and synthetic intelligence.

Read more about Quarian biology, history, and culture

Available Classes




Racial Traits
Sexy Level

The proximity and longstanding traditions of the Migrant Fleet make Quarians very lawful as a race, occasionally drifting toward neutral. Morality can vary but tends towards neutral or good.

+2 Intelligence, +1 Constitution

You have a minor cybernetic augmentation. Choose one of the following: Darkvision, speed increased by 4m, +1 Strength, or proficiency in either Perception, Athletics, or Acrobatics.

Select 1 feat from: A Beautiful Mine, Big Game Hunter, Biotic Slayer, Enhanced Optics, Featherlight, Grenadier, Heavily Armored, Hair Trigger, Keen Mind, Linguist, Medium Armor Master, Mobile, Moderately Armored, Observant, Sharpshooter, Skilled, Squad Leader, Wealth of Knowledge

Your suit is your lifeblood. It makes your immune to disease. You have resistance to poison and necrotic damage. However, if you are unprotected and receive a critical hit, your suit becomes breached. On your turn, you can take no other action except expending a charge of specialized sealant to close the puncture. You have 3 charges of sealant. On a long rest, you regain your charges.

For each hour in which you have a breach in your suit, you suffer one level of exhaustion. For each hour you spend outside of your suit if not in a compatible environment, suffer 3 levels of exhaustion.

Instead of your class's starting equipment, you may start with 8d6 x 1000 + 10,000 credits to buy your own equipment.

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